Our Success Stories

No more pain!

By Jeff F

“I had back pain for years, at least 15.  Everything I tried would work some but it would never last.  Figured I would give acupuncture a try and thought results would be the same.  I was very pleasantly surprised.  After a series of treatments with Craig, I am now pain free for 2 years.  I get treated once or twice a year and feel great!”

Stress/ Anxiety relief

By Brian P

“I struggle with anxiety my whole life and during Covid it only got worse.  Acupuncture has been an oasis of relief for me.  The sessions are extremely relaxing and help me feel good for the upcoming week”

We have a baby

By Page K

“My husband and I tried to get pregnant for over a year with no luck.  4 sessions and 2 months later I got pregnant.  The only thing that changed was getting acupuncture.  We wanted to name our child after Craig”

Hospice help

By Juan G

“My mother had so many things going wrong, her digestion was poor, she was in constant pain, bedridden and generally unhappy (with her condition).  Craig came to our house and was so patient explaining everything to her.  She did not like needles and he was kind and gentle, she loved her acupuncture.  Her quality of life improved so much under Craig’s care.  We are so grateful”

Waling again

By Mary B

“I was working out and not sure what I did, but all of a sudden I could barely stand up straight.  After 2 days of being in bed I decided I needed to do something.  Craig came to me, set up in my living room as I dont think I could have driven anywhere and gave me acupuncture.  After 1 treatment I was already feeling better but he treated me a few times over the next 2 weeks and I felt great!”


By Haley G

“I had stomach issues my whole life.  Stressful times would make it worse, certain foods would irritate it and western medical doctors told me I had IBS.  Finding acupuncture was a game changer.  Craig has helped talk me through some dietary changes, helped reduce my stress and overall helped me and my gut!”